Repair is a central concept in the sustainability debate in architecture. We understand repair as a creative activity. Richard Sennett speaks of „fixing is making“. In the seminar, we want to make repair tangible as a millennia-old cultural practice. How is the repairability of buildings conceived and creatively used in different historical and cultural contexts? By means of case studies we want to bring further experiences and points of view into the current discussion.
The course takes place in English, German is possible
Attention: The course takes place in presence.
Venue: A 060
Time: Tuesdays, 10am-12high noon
1st meeting: 19th April, 2022
VL 2 SWS – 3 LP
Architektur Bachelor, Architektur Master (WP Hausarbeit), Master Architecture Typology
Modul: SE Baugeschichte – Episoden, Phänomene, Konsequenzen – 2 SWS – 3 LP // SE Baugeschichte – Episoden, Phänomene, Konsequenzen (MA) – 2 SWS – 3 LP
Exam: Presentation on site or in the classroom, term paper (seminar in English, German possible)
Instructor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hermann Schlimme
Please register on this ISIS page and with MOSES
Architektur Bachelor: MOSES 61342v1 / QISPOS 2348879
Architektur Master/ Master Architecture Typology: MOSES 61420v1 / QISPOS 2350015
ISIS-Site of the seminar:
Students, who are doing the Design Studio “Children’s Home” at FG Steffensen, will also attend the Repair meetings and do their PIV on the subject, but have other exam work to do. It will not be possible to attend the seminar “Repair” and to simultaneously attend the Design Studio “Children’s Home” as it includes “Repair” as PIV.